Originally Posted by DanEC
Kevin - any idea as too how high? I had the nose elevated probably about 7 to 8 inches in order to pull the front tires. No need to remove the rear due to the inboard calipers.
Hi Dan,
I did the same thing in my first attempt but subsequently spoke with Doug. He indicated you need to raise it as high as possible and, as I said in a previous post, he actually uses a section of 4x4 on his jack to raise it higher than the jack would alone. His point is that air can remain trapped in the master cylinders if you're gravity bleeding or even using the pedal pump method. This is my first time through this so I'm just passing along the information I received (and obviously has worked for Doug many, many times). There're a lot of good suggestions in this thread and, since I'm not happy with my pedal pressure, I'll be addressing this again myself.