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Old 08-19-2013, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by OnyxRider View Post
Are there comprehensive records being kept on the different locations of assembly? I know a few guys spend a lot of time on 60's Cobras so was just wondering.

Hey Real 1 what does the registry have to say about the above locations. LV Tijuana SA builds or assembly locations?

No you guys label your cobras so I don't have to use original before cobra to state the real deal.
It doesn't mention specific locations of fabrication for the fiberglass bodies as I recall.

Real deal? Again depends on whether you are talking about original or continuation. Could mean real deal "continuation cobra" or real deal "original".

I think we use the SAAC definitions. Fair, clear and easy and preferences each with the appropriate amount of provenance and pedigree and is not demeaning to any.

Someone should keep a record of this as it is part of the history of the Fiberglass Continuation cars.
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Last edited by REAL 1; 08-19-2013 at 03:48 PM..
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