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Well this makes me feel a little better. You guys don't need me around to start a food fight.
CSX4017 is correct. It should be about respect which is sorely lacking around here.
Rodknock: I am sure CS acquired those Kirkham rollers for conversion to CSXs.
Allen: You stole my old sig line. CSX 4206 was the most accurately detailed to original specs since the demise of CSX 4027 from about 2003 to maybe 2009. I was personally familiar with CSX4027 and friendly with it's former owner who helped and guided me with many details on CSX4206 and friendly with Bill Andrews who did the final assembly on CSX4027. Do you know Steve Sunshine??
Since the demise of CSX4027 there have been several other very detailed Continuation Cobras constructed so I was no longer comfortable in saying CSX4206 was the most highly detailed but likely is one of the most or more highly detailed ones out their today.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.