Originally Posted by MJJ
I am in the market for my first cobra. I can't justify needing a Kirkham at this point as I already have 2 very nice weekend cars,....But I sure want one. You are a class act.
Someday I will own a Kirkham. Just may not be my first cobra.
Second that....I have a FFR that the original builder did an insane job on. Recently went to a cars and coffee that had several cobras - ERA, SPF, and Kirkham. Must have had a dozen people put mine at the head of the pack (though mine is clearly more of a show car not track) BUT- I'd love to upgrade to Kirkham, and will at some point. Being new to the community really appreciate all of David's posts and support. I guess mfg comparisons gives all of us lucky enough to have one of the coolest cars on the planet something else to dream about.....