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ERA Motorsport Maniacs:
I have placed an order for black baseball caps with the round ERA Motorsport logo and black windbreakers with the round ERA logo on the front and the "new" ERA Motorsport "checkered flag" logo on the back. I'll have them at Kit Car Carlisle for those that are interested.
Also we'll have the "historical" original* ERA T shirts as worn by Doug and Ritchie in the shop. Just the thing to wear when working on your ERA or as a night shirt for your significant other. Much sexier than a thong...
I'll order some more medium weight jackets in the fall.
Jim Holden
*I use the work "original" here with some trepidation as the word has acquired new meaning on this forum. In this instance it means: by the original manufacturer, from the original molds (design) and by the original workers still located in the same place here in NE.
Last edited by Jim Holden; 03-23-2002 at 06:54 AM..