Although we don't wish for a quiet year, there are only upsides to less competitors from an entrants point of view. More track time and better odds of winning a trophy. So get those entries in. This is the highlight of the Cobra calendar and it is an expertly run event.
Originally Posted by spookypt
All seems pretty quiet.....anyone know why its not being as promoted or advertised as much this year?
I've added the details of Cobra Nationals to our full page Unique Cars advert coming out this month. Won't help entries, but might help spectator numbers which never hurts.
Originally Posted by spookypt
being a national event and to help camber the risk to the Nsw club maybe all the state clubs could tip in like last year? They all tipped in as pledged... Didn't they?
The QLD club has put in again this year. Think the only club that put in last year was QLD...or am I wrong here...I actually think Wazza came up with the idea. Great idea mate by the way.