This could be the hottest nationals on record!!!!
Goulburn Almanacfull climatology »
September minimum temperature
lowest this month2.0°C 1st
lowest on record-6.0°C 12th 1972
average this month5.4°C +0.9°C
long-term average4.5°C
September maximum temperature
highest this month23.1°C 2nd
highest on record28.2°C 30th 1980
average this month22.2°C +5.8°C
long-term average16.4°C
September rainfall
wettest this month0.4mm 4th
total this month0.4mm1 day(s)
long-term average49.9mm10.9 day(s)
wettest on record97.8mm1997
driest on record4.4mm1994
This may give the toadies an unfair advantage