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Not intending to take anything away from tkb289's comments - but I did my engine and transmission install by myself. I think if you have some gearhead buddies who work on cars then an install party sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately most of my friends are hamfisted and know or care very little about working on cars (or are even older than I am). They mean well but I didn't need them around all my fresh paint work. Just to let you know that if you go slow and easy it isn't difficult.
However, a helper or two would be necessary if installing the engine and transmission together to push the back down to slide into the tunnel and then lift it back up over the top of the frame transmission mount.
Again, I think a 2-ton lift is a good idea. Cover and pad everything. If installing the transmission later, figure out how you are going to get it over and down into the car to install. As suggested by tkb289, trial fit the transmission before putting the enigne in to make sure the clutch disc is aligned and it will slip in.
To satisfy Patrick (and the rest of us) take lots of pictures and post.