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Car Shows
I don't go to many shows because my car is pretty rough and not really show car material. When I do, I never leave the car which makes it not a lot of fun because I don't get to look at the other cars. I have had some issues years ago, like having a guy put is not so small girl friend on the front fender for a picture but no issues the last 20 years. When small children come around I ask them and their parents to be careful around the car and they have been.
If the kids are well behaved I ask them if they want to sit in it and they generally do which makes them and their parents happy. I would guess that when the parents see me watching they tend to keep the kids under control so we don't have issues. I have had a couple of adults give me trouble when they were asked to keep hands off, but they get the message and leave. It really is a parents responsibility to teach kids to respect other peoples property but if the parents do not, the kids won't either.