Decided to lift engine abit for ground clearance which mean't header height changed, small mod for sidepipes, all good. Filled with fluids, primed
oil pump, turned engine by hand, CLUNK, back CLUNK. Engine out and found King Cobra Pressure plate is slightly bigger, hitting in Bellhousing..
Change clutch pressure plate, just about to put engine back in when noticed coolant leaking from back of head/block. Intake off, head off thinking maybe locating dowels too long, Nope, Gasket ripped, NO, Not enough thread sealer on bolts, Not it, Straight edge on block, Perfect, straight edge on Head, F##k
Hump in middle of head.
Heads are Edelbrock LocWire style so looks like complete machine down which affect alot of other things or new ones, seems strange to have warped heads out of the box, Anyone experienced this..... or have other suggestions.
Looks like taking the Mustang to the Nats.