Originally Posted by REAL 1
Go ahead, properly prepare and train a 3 to 6 year old. LOL.
Candidly, I don't care what new parents do wtih their little diaper dumper. I'm not a little kid person but seems to me they could have prepared a little better like getting baby sitter or leaving them at grandmas but again I don't care, its not my problem. I'm worried about my Shelby not where they leave their little diaper dumper. This mentality that it's ok for parents to bring their little darlings to car shows is one major reason you will rarely if ever now enjoy seeing my Shelby at a car show. I've learned over the past 17 years. Some of you that think its fine go right ahead. Bring your car there. Its jake with me. But after you finish talking to some schmuck who asked if your car is an MG and giving him a little lesson on "Cobras" or replicas thereof only to turn around and see little Petey running his Hot wheel on you fender, don't be upset just calmly explain to his idiot/oblivious parents rumaging through the storage compartment of his little stroller that they should have "prepared" little Petey better for the show or "restrained" him.
I was at the Woodward Dream Cruise last month and have to whole heartedly disagree. Hundreds of 3 to 6 year olds came by and nearly all of them werer well prepared for the event (not touching, staying close to or holding their parents hand). I heard multiple parents remind their excited kids "remember, don't touch...look only" It can be done, should be done and anyone who does not prepare their child for ANY event they attend when they are young is either lazy or knows no better. Kids aren't perfect and will get over excited at times but certainly can have boundaries and discipline instituted at an early age.