Here's the idea that I came up with. Do you see any coil packs in this picture?
Well, I had an old 427 Surge tank that leaked like a sieve, so I cut the bottom out and made it into a coil pack cover. I had to modify the ends with some of the brass I cut from the bottom. I am using the same Ford EDIS coil packs as you, but turned upside down. I am using a Megajolt to control the ECU. One of these days I am going to clean the tank up and chrome it. Check it out from below and you can just make out the cable tie that holds it on:
I have to admit, it's one of my best ideas and you, my Cobra friend are welcome to it. Everyone else who uses it can send me $5.
The EDIS system makes the engine run SO much better than a distributor! It takes a long time to get used to the feeling that
every cylinder is firing
every time.