Hi Ken
Glad you liked it
I will likely be jobbing mine out to an outfit in Vancouver...easy shipping and same day turnaround
Driveline Services...They are also about $250 as compared to $400 from the local shops...
I used the forms from another good site to do all my measurements. Will ship them with my slip yoke which is all I have.
Didn't get any bites on the mustang donor thing did we?? Maybe there's a message in itself.
I will likely be using the heavier 1350 spec with the 428...as someone else said that 15 inch driveshaft is right beside your A$$...I have a safety loop but we can't let this be a reason to shortcut.
I was careful; to route my rear brakeline and fuel line on the inner and top sides of my frame rail....the opposite side I did my Battery feed...
Could be quite ugly if something let go