Originally Posted by Jaydee
I'm also on the Gyrocopter forum, as I used to fly one. Now I have a Para motor.
I love this site. Has helped me so much.
Is an autogyro the same as a gyrocopter or a more modern term for one?
If anyone remembers Alexander Miller(collector of mostly Stutz), he and my grandfather had a few things in common. Both were engineers and both served and were pilots. I know before my time he use to stop by our(grandfathers) estate from his home in Vermont to his fathers in NJ. My grandfather drove my brother and myself from NH to Vermont one day to visit back in the 70's.
Mr. Miller had a autogyro delivery service at one time and collected these surplus machines over the years. I believe he had the mall service in the 1930's.
Anyway I know he donated an autogyro to the Smithsonian and the other one which was damaged my grandfather procured it. Will have to check out that site.
What kind of certification do you need to fly a gyrocopter? Mine is private pilot with several ratings so I guess maybe under rotorcraft, but not sure.
Will check out that site soon.
Gruff probably knows he has a Naval Aviation badge.