Thread: Heart Attack :(
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Old 10-29-2013, 01:27 PM
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Default Heart Attack :(

Fellow Car Nuts...

I posted this on my Facebook yesterday...

I had a heart attack [just over a week ago]

I hadn't been feeling well all week. My friends and employees even said I looked tired. On Friday morning I called my brother in law, who is a doctor, and described my symptoms. They were the classic symptoms of a heart attack (the worst pain was down my arms and in my wrists). He told me to go directly to the ER. He called my lovely sisters, Anne K. Black and Jennifer Kirkham Griffin who work across the street and they rushed me to the ER. They found the blockage quickly and placed a stent. The miracle is they could not find any damage, even with extensive testing. My most beautiful wife, Alisa Kirkham, stayed by me the entire time--even staying in my bed (which the nurses thought was cute). I am deeply grateful to all who took instant concern for me and did all they could to help me through a trying time.

Yesterday I received a phone call from United States Senator Mike Lee. Friday I received a phone call from Congressman Jason Chaffetz wishing me well. Both men are stand up politicians who we can be proud of. Both of them spent quite a bit of their limited time on the phone with me and I truly felt they were genuinely concerned about my health and well being. After allaying their concerns for my health, I changed the conversation to politics (of course). I shared with both of them how proud I was of all they have accomplished and all they fight for back in Washington DC. I told Congressman Jason Chaffetz I was very proud of his work. I told Senator Michael S. Lee he was doing exactly what we sent him there to do and that I was proud of him. Mike said he was taking heat for standing up for us. I encourage all of you to call Mike and tell him how proud you are of him. Both of them are truly great men who represent us well. They care about their constituents and we should all be extremely proud they represent us.

[The Governor's office called today as well, checking in and setting up a time for the Governor could call]. I am thankful our own politicians here in our great state care enough to call on their constituents. We do have great leaders in our state. Update: Governor Herbert just called. He was extremely gracious and concerned on the phone. I do count him as a friend.

As for now--I feel fine. I feel like nothing ever happened. The miracles of modern medicine are great. I strongly encourage all of you to keep your health as your top priority. If you have any symptoms, go immediately to the ER. Not only was my prompt arrival to the ER certainly part of the reason I don't have any detectable damage (right now), but it very well may be why I am even alive.

I love all you guys Keep the shiny side up

David Kirkham, President Kirkham Motorsports
Manufacturer Aluminum Body Kit Cars and supplier to Shelby* for their CSX4000, CSX7000, and CSX8000 289 and 427 Cobra
*Kirkham Motorsports is not affiliated with Ford or Carroll Shelby or any of their trademarks.
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