Originally Posted by DocDirk
Thanks Fred! Do you have any idea how much steering resistance reduction there might be with a 10" tire or an 8" tire vs my current 265 fronts?
can't really say....i am surprised you gave up the P/S though. i'm looking to put P/S ON mine....parking and slow driving is a bit much on the arms.
i struggle when i have to do a "K" turn.
as far as going autocrossing to determine correct tires or set up.....well, a bit over the top for a car i just want to drive well. my car cannot autocross and i'd like to just leave it at that because i don't have the typing strength to explain why.
i will say when you build a car you eventually have to make a decision on how it will be used and choose engine, trans and suspension geared for that.
some people like dogs as pets.....others eat them....lol