Originally Posted by RodKnock
Someone please post the "beat the dead horse" emoticon.
I'm not getting in this one
Originally Posted by REAL 1
Clearly. You bought a "Hunter". When you want a Cobra and not a replica of one it costs more $.
I was wondering what you meant by hunter until I read further. If you could go back in time would you still make your Cobra purchase? What's the difference in price for a similar Cobra purchased today compared to when you purchased yours.
Darn when I read you owned an Excalibur I thought you owned an Excalibur, not a cobra excalibur. See I told you I didn't know much about the replicas.
Originally Posted by fordracing65
Let's put an electric motor in one, oh ya, it's been done, go figure...  EVAN YOU HEAR THAT LOUD AND CLEAR, HE SAYS YOUR CAR IS NOT A REAL COBRA OR ORIGIANL, LOL
You know funny you mention electric motor. I sent Jambo a PM asking him if anyone ever put electric propulsion in a cobra. Maybe sacriligious

you will miss all the noise.