Originally Posted by PSB
I never said I was upset. You don't upset me Evan, you crack me up. If continuation cars aren't kit cars, why don't they come with an engine and transmission? I don't know of any automobile manufacturer in the US who sells their cars without engines and transmissions. As for the replica part, even THE Registry lists them as replicas. So, the facts are the continuation cars are kit replicas of 1960s Shelby Cobras. Maybe you are insulted but facts is facts.
Overpriced - OK, I'll fully admit that's just my opinion. I also don't know of any other company who buys another company's product, add their serial number, then re-sell it for a $30-40K upcharge.
I never represented my Hunter as anything other than a replica, and a far from exact one at that. I purposely built it more as a hot rod than a replica.
Uh, actually no. Facts are facts but you need to get them straight.
The Registry does not define the Continuation Cobras as replicas or kits. They clearly set forth these definitions. You need to read more carefully. A lot of reading comprehension issues on this site. "Kit" and "Replica" is clearly defined by the SAAC Registry and the Shelby Continuation Cobra does not fit in those definitions. The Hunter however does. Please don't come here and say you read something when what you post clearly evinces you did not. It makes you look like you are just making $hit up or have a serious reading comprehension problem.
If you don't know why Continuation Cobras can't leave SAI with engine and transmission today you need to do your research. I can't educate everyone but being involved with Cobras or replicas thereof you should know this.
By your definition the original series were "kits" too since they came into the country without engine and transmission and had to be completed by SAI. Tell me you didn't know this.

Oh, and if you don't know of another company that buys another companies product and re-sells for an upcharge you are truly lost. We can start with SAI circa 1962 to 1968. You didn't know this either!

What about Lexus, Infiniti, Cadillac. All use donors from lesser divisions for their products and sells for an upcharge. Don't tell me you didn't at least know this???Sheesh.