Update on this stuff. Since the application on the rear fender went so well, I decided to do the lower half of the front of the car, below the quick jacks. I masked everything off and sprayed it as I did on the rear fenders. But I sprayed some areas too thick and others too thin (especially under the
oil cooler, where it is hard to aim the can). It ran in a few spots, so I just figured I'd peel it off and reapply. Since it was applied too thin in some areas, it was a complete pain to get off. I either had to peel off tiny pieces, or scrub it with a rag of full-strength ammonia. It took me four hours to get off, and then I had to polish the front of the car again. I will not reapply it on the front of the car. The lesson (to me): this product works great on small areas that are easily accessible, especially if they are vertical. But for harder to reach, larger areas, it's far more difficult to apply and the penalty for doing it wrong is pretty significant.