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second bullet of car
Eplatvoet Your Bio said OKl. home of the red man. One of the best machine shops is in Neb. GussFord machine. Why not call and find out a cost for checking out this short block setup. If nothing else, you have a spare bullet for the car. The fix might be only a couple hundred dollars. You could save on shipping my doing the driving yourself. I went 300 miles for some special parts each way and save $100.00. Time is free. If the block center line is still true, they may only need to rebalance the crank shaft and remove the welded metal. This is way cheaper than new short block. Other idea is go with new motor and have this one rebuilt as spare and save for rainy day. Good luck. Rick L. Ps Find a good machine shop and have the block rechecked for damage and center line of bores being off.