Originally Posted by kevins2
Hi Dan,
I was happy to read about the progress you've made. The car is looking good and you'll be back in new territory soon. On the front tunnel carpet, did you use self-adhesive velcro and, if so, did it stick to the carpet well? ERA used to sew velcro into that piece but Jack indicated he uses contact cement these days. A few small spots of contact cement would work and still give access to the screws for removal but I also want to consider velcro.
Thanks Kevin, I finished up the exhaust re-install today so I'm back at square one.
No, the HD self-stick velcro (I bought 2 and 3 inch wide) does not stick very well to the carpet although that particular piece seems to have stuck well. So far it seems to stick to everything else real well. I'm planning to go back and contact cement the velcro to the carpet back on the pieces under the seat. I put a strip under the heel pad of the drivers floor mat also to make sure it doesn't slide or move.
I may use velcro on some of the trunk carpet peices also - at least the bottom mat.
Did you get your car registered?