Well, considering that I learnt to drive in an Austin Wasp where acceleration was measure in Months and deceleration measured by how many expletives could be used as you were looking for an escape route (lever actuated brakes the size of a thimble) pulse braking is no biggie for me as I done it since I was eight and could reach the pedals !
I was thinking probably more along the lines of
is it worth all the effort to install & get traction control as a side benefit or have the intrinsic of good old fashion feel. And I do love a good feel
When it comes time to move it on-will it make it more saleable-probably bit of a moot point unless the buyer is Gen Y. Then again if it goes to my daughter she might like the idea-she is a late braker like her Dad!
I just realised that the last 3 cars I've owned had ABS and I don't ever remember ever using it