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Old 12-11-2013, 05:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Jethrow View Post
Ford is going 2016.

Now Holden 2017.

A sad day for Australia, and for all lovers of V8 RWD sedans. There are now even less choices

But lets be clear. The unions, much more than anything else, have killed this industry. They clap and cheer each succesful pay rise and penalty condition they coerce out of Holden, never considering the effect of their actions, never offering to endure (or even consider) a small paycut in the lean times, and now look what happens.

A tradgedy.
Why dont you learn some facts, before you post up this dribble.

Holden australia have been given 2 billion dollars from the australian taxpayer over the last 12 years, more than any other company in history.
Their workforce has averaged 2500 employees, at i would average out at $65000 year, and thats being generous.

Do the sums, thats a wages bill of 162.5 million a year, multiply that by 12 years totals 1.95 billion, give or take.

So good old GMH have basically had their entire workforce paid for by the australian taxpayer for the last 12 years, and they bleat on about how hard done by they are.

Most of the profits they have made have been sent back to head office, GM USA, to help prop up that bankrupt company and for those bosses to squander by their ineptitude.

Holdens have always been cheaper to manufacture in australia than their opposition, throw in the free wages bill, and they say they cant compete.

I would suffice to say the real story is GM USA has spat the dummy when they have been told their pipeline of free money from me and you is going to be cut off, they have had it too good for too long. GM doesnt give two hoots about Australia.
So lets be clear,
Its got nothing to do with the unions son, but its got everything to do with the mismanagement of GM USA.
I wish i could have had my wages bill paid for all of my employees for the last 12 years by you and other taxpayers.
Nuts,,, Bolts,,, and 2 smoking barrels.
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