Jeff - I saw your car over here after Craig W bought it. I guess it's a personal preference thing; I loved how your car sat over the rear tires, in fact I loved the whole period style of your car, but I'd really like the front wheels set in even further. Do you recall if you still had some clearance at full steering lock?
Nick - I fitted some Billboards today and there's unfortunately no way that the Compo's have enough material to machine them down far enough. It looked like there was about 1/2" of material before the mounting flange sits flush, but I think I need a good 1.5" if not 2"!
There's no way I'm giving the Billboards back, so it looks like some new wheels are next on the list.
Dan - thanks for your input. I'll have to be super clear when ordering custom wheel offsets, because shipping to Australia gets expensive if the items are being shipped back and forth!