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I now have a California tag on my SPF. I got Seq# in the low 300s. Besides the running around, it cost $125 extra, which of course is un-American. Think about it, with 300-400 SB-100/SPCN registrations a year in California, even with the procedures, almost any California DMV is going to be pretty rough on what to do when we walk in for registration. I had to have the CHP review (free), brake and light inspection ($125) and a smog 'inspection' (free) by the BAR. The smog inspection just confirmed I had a closed PCV system. I had to replace my cover valve breather cap with a closed cap with a fuel line quality hose to my air cleaner. A heater hose would not suffice. I look at it as long as I'm driving my Cobra around to do all the checks/inspections, that's is more fun than most of the things I have to do. Now I still have to pay for the annual registration, but no smog checks for the life of the vehicle.