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We have learned the lesson that posting prices doesn't necessarily help, because each individual seems to be seeking something tailored to him.
Because we are top end, many are scared away without really inquiring as to what they get for the money and what total costs are compared to working with replicas that require donor vehicles and additional part purchases. We have found it clearly best to either have persons talk directly to an independent dealer or to Bob Marsh at the factory in the case of direct sales.
We do have suggested retail prices so that all independent dealers are working in the same ball park, and so that we stay in the game at the factory, but you may find significant differences in price by shopping dealer to dealer. Not that the merchandise is priced differently so much as that the different dealers offer different packages and have freedom to price their unit to you after considering whether they will be helping to assemble for you or are not. One dealer, for example is working a program where one can buy a much reduced starter kit, allowing a person to get in for under $15,000, with some mutual agreement as to acquiring follow-on components. Independent dealers each have their own focus and suggest different options as to how you can direct your final car build.
That said, the 40th anniversary models have about a $10,000 premium in pricing over standard roller units, but that must be evaluated looking at the different options that are standard on the special edition.
We believe individuals can finish out a CSX4000 for anywhere from $60,000 to $110,000, and this is based on past experience. FIA's, of course, are quite a bit less to an end-user wanting to install a crate 289 or 302 (compared to the pricey 427). Further help - our fiberglass units are quite close in price to the better fiberglass replicas out there. The differences in pricing for aluminum between us and the other major source are not great at all.
Hope this helps. We really need to talk to an individual so we can clearly explain of what they are getting compared to others. Our units are, in fact, complete. Also price differences also seem to melt away as the final controlling factor once a person has a chance to compare the CSX4000/7000/8000 units to the originals on hand at the factory.
Give Marsh a call. He will help you with what you need, or based on what you describe as your tastes, will recommend one of the independent dealers.
Bob Marsh