Originally Posted by ERA Chas
It's a Tunnel Wedge intake for FE. Either a Ford or Dove repro.
That's a $700+ manifold if it's uncut.
Amazing story. Keep looking in that park for the rest of the SO...
Experts tell me it's a genuine NOS Ford piece "C8AX-9424-A".
Originally Posted by blown871
looks like junk.
put it in a box and mail it to me. I know how to properly dispose of.
I would 'do that' 'for YOU'.
Very funny! Shoot me your address and I'll see what I can do.
Don't hold your breath, you'll have to fight it out with UNDY.
Besides, I jogged through a lot of parks and looked under a lot of rocks to find his one
Originally Posted by RodKnock
I call BS. Who "casually" jogs? Never heard of such a thing.
Dear Rodknock, if I didn't like you so much, I'd be offended at you calling BS. Let me tell you "casual jogging" is what us pretend untalented athletes, aka "posers" do to pick up chicks
You might have noticed some of us at the gym you frequent.
NOW, if you had called BS on me watching CSI - then you'd be well within your rights
Who has time to watch tv?
Originally Posted by ERA Chas
And these...
Liar! You can't jog pushing a stroller!
Shelbys, Ponds or BTs??
Chas, you're mistaken.
Ill stick up for Brent here and say it's quite possible.
I jog with my stroller most all the time.
Here's a family photo at "Run for the Kids"
I'll even hazard a guess that those heads Brent posted are Ponds
I'll see what I can find in the next park I go casually jogging in.