Originally Posted by Cobra01
Hi Hewey
I am in the advanced process of finishing my Pace 427 Cobra which i started around mid April/ May 2013.
This the start of my build process
New Build
The wood has been removed from the body and it was only there to keep the right shape of the body when the body was being fitted to the Chassis.
After all 1 person can lift the 50 kg body so it needs to be kept rigid so you get a perfect fit onto the chassis.
I expect to be finished the build in the next 2 to 3 months then it will depend on QLD Transport for the final inspection and signing of paperwork .
I haven't posted on the New Build Thread lately because there has been nothing really exciting to talk about or Photograph.
There have been some significant improvements from when my chassis was made to now but I will let Craig explain them to you.
I was only joking mate, but actually Im surprised that Craig hasn't finished his own demo car and got it registered yet, certainly would make more sense that the actual kit manufacturer had one registered.
If the car is so light how do you go for putting a v8 in it isn't there something in the ICV rules about weight vs engine capacity.
This was the thing that Craig was worried about with my Kirkham.