Originally Posted by madmaxx
Ok, how the heck do you remove the old glass, or better off install the new mirror without breaking it? Mine is the standard aftermarket bullet style.
You pop the old mirror out by using a razor around the perimeter, thus destroying the old gasket in the process. The gasket is really nothing more than what appears to be a solid core wire of about 14 gauge with the plastic insulation around it. First you mock up the new gasket around the perimeter of the new glass and the housing, trim it so it fits, then silicone it in without the glass. After that is dry, then just follow my instructions for compressing the spring with dental floss while you use silicone on the glass to the gasket. Really, you could just smash the old glass since you're not going to use it again. This is not a tough job... and I have no idea why the convex mirror glass of that quality is so hard to find, but it is.