Originally Posted by Tommy
Please let us know how this turns out when it is resolved.
P.S. Is there somewhere in the regs where "motor vehicle manufacturer" is defined? For example, what if the car were a Studebaker? The manufacturer is no longer in business, and some cars from before 1971 did not have VIN plates like modern cars. ... What if your car had a VIN from a manufacturer who is no longer around to confirm it? And what if that VIN was nothing more than some numbers stamped into the frame? .... I''d like to know how the DMV would deal with such situations.
The guy at TXDOT told me that if the frame had a number then they could work off of that. Since my frame was never numbered then hes telling me that they cant title it. Now in hind sight had i known this I would have stamped a number and said...theres the number...check it out.
SInce I have already had the car inspected by the fraud dept and he issued me a form stating that it has no numbers affixed to the frame or body. If I show up with something different then thats fraud.
Im calling austin here in just a bit and going to try and get to the bottom of it.
Thanks for the replys guys...its much appreciated.