Originally Posted by DanEC
Actually I was eyeing the shoulder harnesses and pads that Kevins2 added to his car and wondering where he got them - directly from Crow or from a vendor? I don't see anything wrong with the lap belts - just like to upgrade the shoulder belts.
Hi Dan,
It was our friend, Mr. ERACHAS, that suggested the upgrade to the wider shoulder harnesses and pads. I ordered both directly from Crow's website. They not only look a lot better, but the pads make it easier to keep them organized. I'm sure they're more comfortable but that's hard to tell since I've only driven the car bundled up in cold weather gear.
Chas' suggestion to switch to eyebolts and clips (like the lap belts) is a good one but I like the look of the buckles that came with the original shoulder harnesses. The new shoulder harnesses from Crow came with buckles as well, but I still preferred the originals, so I actually cut the old shoulder straps off and used the originals. When I was working on my car, I rolled the shoulder harnesses up and put a rubber band around them to keep them out of the way. Not as convenient as having them removeable, but worked for me.