Originally Posted by RodKnock
You might want to talk this guy ^^^, if you buy your Cobra from ERA, since Tim and ERA designed a multiplicity of roll bar setups for his ERA.
Don't have much to add to the discussion that has not already been said, other than for those that have one, the roll bar is one feature of a Cobra no one wants to test, be it one roll bar or two.
When I was planning my ERA FIA build, I too could not decide which way to go. So I asked Peter if they could fabricate two different roll bar set ups, turns out they could and they did a great job. This was the first FIA like this they have done.
For me it works well, swapping things around takes about 30 minutes. There is an extra hole in the body, but I am OK with that. I prefer the classic single hoop look and that is the way the car is configured most of the time. The full width roll bar is nice to have as an option, but it does look a bit out of place, as it's not very common. I really like the no roll bar, street car look.
Single hoop Traditional FIA roll bar set up.
Full width roll bar.
Note: There is precedence of this configuration as some early racing Cobras had full width roll bars similar to this. In Trevor Legate's book, COBRA The First 40 Years, there are photos of this kind of set up (see pages 53, 73, 88, 89 & 91).
This view shows the metal cap that fits into the grommet. The cap could be painted black or body color to make it less noticeable.
No roll bar offers more of a street car look, but with the FIA body. Again, if the caps are black or body color, they will not stand out as much.