I installed 1/8" (maybe thiner) stainless mesh on my Cobra 12 years ago and 40,000 miles.
On my GT 40 I used thin aluminum mesh. No miles on it yet.
You said you were looking at 1/4". If your talking about 1/4" thick, it will be to heavy.
I used stainless because I could tig weld it to a 1/4" chromoly tubing. I glass bead blasted the assembly and clear coated it 12 years ago and it still looks good.
The aluminum mesh, I just wrapped it around the 1/4" steel rod. I welded tabs to the rod for mounting.
I have a lot of rock chip on the Cobra but no damage to the aluminum radaitor. I havecleaned a lot of large bugs off of the mesh but I don't see any marks left by rocks.
Remember the mesh will restrict air flow. The hole size in the mesh will be a compromise of protection and air flow.
Check McMaster-Carr for mesh