Originally Posted by lippy
Thanks Patrick, that tool is really cool. It looks like you are getting a lot more travel than I am, but I'm not sure why. I've bled this thing about 10 times and there are no air bubbles and the linkage is tight and responsive. Did you have any issues with the adjustment of your pedal height, and how it impacts cylinder actuation?
Other than it all falling apart one day when I was out in Bumfu**? See:
Ehhrggg, Standed by a Set-Screw Or when the fork was rubbing against the reservoir of the master? (You've seen that thread.) To answer your question, "No." Other than those two little incidents, I have had absolutely no issues whatsoever. Any chance you can take a quick video of your slave in action? I've got a feeling that the slave travel of my rod is longer than yours.