Originally Posted by madmaxx
If its a factory assembled replica (Superformance, BDR, Kirkham, ERA?) you have a much much much better chance of making some money. Kit car very challengine. One thing you must remember with Cobra's is they body style and options never ever change through the years. None have anti-lock brakes, power windows, power seats etc. A 15 year old replica looks the same as a 6 month replica.
"New replicas are in perfect condition" Bull Fuking Sheet. Every new replica I ever owned had in excess of 20 problems, some included paint. A well sorted used Cobra in exceptional condition is worth more than a new one IMO plus a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. You can see a used one, drive a used one, smell a used one, a new one you assume it will not be scratched, you assume you will get it registered, you assume the installer did their job.
My dad did commercial refrigeration for 25 yrs. I came on board with him for the last 8-10 yrs of it. We were on a job one day swapping out an 8 ton a/c unit on a convienence store. Install was done, system was vacuumed and began the base charge. All was looking well. Fired up the unit and began topping off the charge. We were almost done with the charge and the compressor made an erie sound..a loud bang and the sight glass went black.
My dad looked at me and I back at him. I said "this thing is brand new...what the hell?" He looked at me and said..."new dont mean **** son...just means it hasnt been tested". I never forgot that lesson.
Just a story I thought I would share.