Originally Posted by patrickt
And this is not just a "Cobra related problem." When I was looking around, I found similar problems to yours on every niche-car-forum you could imagine.
I'd be interested in seeing the threads that you found that involve RST clutch kits, not Street Twins. Those are separate clutch kits, with the Street Twins being much larger.
I'm not an "installer", just an engine builder, but I will say that I've sent out engines with these RST clutch kits for BBF's, FE's, and SBF's, and have never heard of anyone having any trouble. All TKO-spec bellhousings from Quick Time, no matter if they are for a 460, FE, or SBF, are all the same depth. The TKO input shaft and bearing retainer are all the same length. The RST pressure plate is the same for all RST kits, and the discs are all the same, with exception of different hubs for different input shaft specs.
It's certainly an interesting scenario, but it doesn't surprise me...