Originally Posted by madmaxx
You are my sunshine my only sunshine!!!! WOW!!!!! Holy sheet. I got some white diamond, and the results are stunning. I do not think my results would have been better if I removed the firewall and sanded. It removed all the water spots etc. I did it 3 times over an hour and I bet it is nicer than when it was new. This firewall hadn't been touched in 5 years, i thought it was scrap. It is 98% of perfect. WTF is wrong with me all that mothers sheet and it can't hold a candle to the white diamond. I also did the gas cap and once again great results. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have some stuff I got from my brother, who is a truck driver. he got this polish from a guy at a truck stop. He makes it up himself. the best I have ever seen. i'll give you some should we meet.