Should i change my rad cap for more psi you think. It makes a lot of sense, didn't think about what a rad is there for. It's funny because my temp gauge is in celcius and they are Autometers and the temperature indicates 190 stable when engine is running in hot summer days. Should it be 190 farenheit. All the gauges I've got are "Autometer" . I didn't think that temp gauge would be in Celcius, though the kit was bought in Canada and it's made by a Canadian guy buy my speedo is in MPH, anybody saw those temp gauges in Celcius before.
Originally Posted by Z-linkCobra
You need something to regulate the flow of water. If the water does not stay in the radiator long enough to cool down then you have accomplished nothing. You don't want a cold running motor nor do you want excessive heat. I like somewhere around 170 to 190. New cars run 210 to 220 and that is not hot as long as you have water.
I would put a 180 t-stat in it and call it good.