Except for the final push when I get ready to glue it down, I've pulled the top forward pretty firmly. A lot of it is controlled by the main bow placement. It has to be bent forward/backwards to basically fit the pleat in the corners of the top when the top material is firmly pulled to the windshield. I think I have that in pretty good shape given the back bow is not there at this time. The fit around the sidecurtains, especially at the back is good also.
ERA's instructions are also to keep pulling the material to the front and I'm not sure if there is something in this instruction that I'm missing or not. Right now there is definately some pressure on the windshield and I'm a little worried about putting much more on it.
I think once I get it glued and anchored at the center then I can work at pulling it a little tighter to the sides. I think I may have to actually remove it to glue it to the leg that turns down the windshield to get it good and tight - or just raise the end up off the windshield some to create a little slack. From my tugging on it, that seems to be what will minimize that lose area above the side curtains.
Cscobra - does this sound about right? All comments, lessons learned, photos and observations are welcome.