Well, I spent a couple of hours at the auto paint store trying to find a paint color to match, or at least a color that I liked, for the Goodyear Blue Dots.
The paint store staff was great and we looked at a lot of base shades and mixed a number of combinations . But I wasn’t happy with the results and neither were they ( as we viewed the various Blue Dot color examples on my laptop).
So I went back home to rethink.
I’m kinda liking this color:
So I said to myself, time to think outside the box.
So I went on e-bay and typed in “blue rubber”.
Now get your minds out of the gutter. Yeah a lot of weird things came up. But most interesting was the selection of blue rubber rain boots. All kinds of them.
So I said to myself, time to think outside the boot.
So I bought a pair of these:
Which gave me the pieces of blue rubber shown above. No painting required.
So if anyone wants some Blue Dots, let me know. Say $10.00 for a set of 5 plus postage. Just enough for me to recover my costs.