Originally Posted by Ralphy
Real1, post the link where SAAC defines anything but a Shelby as a Replica/Kit. Because I haven't seen it yet. Now they do in areas call others, kit cars but that's not per say a definition. My support for this in the Forum, section Replicas and Tributes, not Replica/Kit. So they also use plain Replica. So if the SAAC does group all replicas as also, a kit? They are wrong! Since they do not know if that ERA or that Backdraft, etc... is a kit. Don't be as stupid as some ignorant moron at some car show.
Replicas and Tributes
Replicas and Tribute
The SAAC may be an authority as to Cobras. But they did not coin nor do they have ownership of the word, "Kit". And as far as the English vocabulary goes, it doesn't revolve around or search guidance from the SAAC. The fact is if you order a Shelby in boxes, "It's A Kit." That's the real world! Not some 5,000 member site, but a multimillion people association spanning the globe.
Merriam Websters, Kit: "a set of parts to be assembled or worked up"
Kit - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Ralphy: Thank you for your effort to research what I have been saying. You however have misunderstood what I was referring to. I was referring to the "World Registry of Cobras & GT40s, 4th Edition" published by SAAC. It is universally considered the Bible of all things Cobra as to definition and history and identification. It is 1600 pages of facts and information on all things Cobra.
Right up front on page 30 SAAC sets out their "working definitions" they established specifically becuase they are aware and as they expressly noted some owners are not above defining their cars in their own best interest. To prove their point I offer as "Exhibit A" of this fact this web site and this thread and all those similar threads here. However, to the contrary all I have done is point to the Registry.
There are a number of type of cars defined which include those the subject of our little discussion.
"Kit Car or Replica" is defined by SAAC as any car with a body which approximates the original Cobra shape, using any kind frame, suspension, brakes or driveline."
The CSX Continuation Cobras are defined separately as "current production Cobras built by Shelby to more less original standards delivered without engine and transmission.
Original Cobras are basiscally defined as those produced between '62 and '68.
You linked to the SAAC forum. Thats not what I was referring to. BTW you will notice that the CSX 2000, 3000, 4000 all have their own forum separate from the "Replica and Tribute Forum". Speaks for itself as to how they view things.
You are correct, SAAC doesn't own the term "kit". Thats not the issue. They are not defining "kit" they are setting forth their definition of "kit car and replica". That's their definition, granted. But...as the worlds leading authority on Cobras I'll go with their definition rather than the varied self serving (sometimes silly) homemade definitions posted my many on this site thank you very much.
I nevertheless appreciate your effort to look into what I have pointed out. More than some others have done.