Larry: Before you start popping Champaign bottles.....
Ned is certainly correct from a technical dictionary standpoint. The Registry deals with and explains that issue which I won't waste my time with. My effort would clearly be futile here. To those that have an interest in learning and understanding I highly recommend the Registry. But of course if we use and if you insist on staying with Webster's definition then what you guys own don't even rise to the level of a "replica" and best described as Carroll described them...Fake counterfeit cars. Technically he was 100% correct. I'll go with that if you insist on going with technical definitions....... However...
I think SAAC's and the Registry approach, analysis and position is sound and fair.
But I digress. The central issue is the fact that the Continuation Shelbys are genuine Cobras legally, factually, definitionally. Their descriptive status as Current production or continuation series correctly distinguishes them from original series Cobras. Your use (and others here, please see post #14) of the term "replica" to describe the current production Cobras (please see post #14) is not a an effort to technically describe them,(since you clearly had no grasp of Webster's technical definition and for that matter neither did the guy responsible for post #14) but an effort to lump them in the same pot with every other Fake Counterfeit car (lets use the phrase "fakeydoo" for short shall we?)....just staying technical here you understand. No doubt most continue use the term "replica" as directed toward the Continuation/Current production Cobra for this purpose based on sour grapes (another shining example of which is buddyg's most recent post above...its so transparent its actually funny

) yet have the temerity to run around this site and no doubt around their towns at gas stations, donut shops and car hops referring to their "fakeydoos" (just staying technical again) as "Cobras". How disingenuous is that!!? Ain't that a laugh.
Larry, your comment that Ned would be interested to know he doesn't own a Cobra would normally be breathtaking in it's ignorance and incorrectness. You are still incorrect but you are so demonstratively ignorant (not saying stupid....grab your dictionary) on the subject of Cobras it's not breathtaking anymore. You and your friends have so consistently demonstrated a staggering lack of knowledge and understanding as to repeatedly embarrass yourselves.
Ralphy: hint..your getting warmer.
Maxwell: Technically, again if you are using Webster's definition ..thank you for the compliment! If your not then we'll just put you in the sour grapes wood pile with the rest.
Buddyg: No,no,no. sorry. Can't have it both ways there "Bud". If we want to stay technical you don't even have a "replica". What you have sir is a "fakeydoo" that just looks like a Cobra. So my "replica" trumps your "fakeydoo".

At least if you go with SAAC's analysis and definitions and the Registry's your "fakeydoo" rises to the level of "replica" and thats better than being defined as a "fakeydoo". The Continuation Shelbys are still genuine Cobras either way trumping your SPF (since it's you that's now slipping into what's "better" lets go there) but at least its a step up for your car. If I were your attorney I would recommend that offer. It's the best your gonna get.
Time to go enjoy my Cobra. Beautiful day. You guys should get out there and enjoy your fakeydoos,...I'm sorry or is that "replicas"? Anyway, go enjoy the day.