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Old 04-13-2014, 09:27 AM
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Anthony/AL427SBF: You guys obviously get it and are correct. I do appreciate the back up. Kudos to you. However, what you need to understand there are some guys who will always contort things and show lack of respect towards what they don't own to make themselves feel better about what they do own. Its called sour grapes.

Hectoror: You started this with your feigned ignorance as to how to answer the question you started with. Since you apparently already knew the answer and have "your own opinions" why did you bother us with the question to begin with? Just stick with your opinion and run with it. Its fine with me. You don't need facts and information when you have your opinion. Can't let facts get in the way can we?

Ned is correct. The new 2002 to 2009 are not replicas of the the original. Clearly not the same piece of art although made by the original artist (Ford). They are nevertheless real Thunderbirds but not "replicas" as Webster's defines "replicas".

Technically the Continuation Cobras are "replicas" of the original. How could they not be???? Duh? The definition is right there in Webster's Dictionary and the Oxford Collegiate Dictionary etc. etc... But with time the general public has lumped all non Shelby's that copy the "Cobra" to one degree or another the into the category of "Replica" so the technical meaning of "replica" has over time taken on another commonly used meaning as applied to these cars. SAAC recognized this. So.....they from a definitional and category standpoint as they set out working definitions for use in the world of Cobras and in it's world guide for reference i.e. in the Registry they set out clear definitions and categories to differentiate the cars.

So, if we stick to the technical Webster's dictionary, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you guys who don't own a Shelby or AC or KMP (KMP's are included due to their connection to SAI and use in the manufacture of current production Cobras and in the restoration of original Cobras)... you don't even have "replicas" according to the dictionary so I had to coin a new phrase the fit. "Fakeydoo".

Moreover, since the Continuation series does come from Shelby and since it is nearly exact to the original in most respects configuration wise it is a true replica as that term is used in the Dictionary with the heritage that comes along with it.

However, in light of the evolved common usage of the term "Replica" to include as Carroll put it all the "riff raff" SAAC differentiated the Continuation Series to separate it to avoid confusion. I didn't say "riff raff" Shelby did so keep that straight.

Problem is you guys either can't understand what I'm saying and what SAAC is saying and has done or (more troubling) do understand and continue to propagate your BS on public forum to sooth your own self consciousness about your car's perceived short comings s at our expense. That is known as sour grapes. For those unfamiliar with that adage its also known as envy/jealously.

So, you see you can't have it both ways. If you want to use technical definitions then you don't own replicas you own fakeydoos. If you want to use the Registry definitions (which I would recommend) you do own replicas but at the same time you have to acknowledge that the Continuation Series are not replicas as defined by SAAC.

So which source of definitions do you want to use?

Either way, however, whether the Continuation Series is a "replica" if using Webster's definition or not they are current production Cobras and are legitimate Cobras legally, definitionally and factually having heritage and provenance that can only come from Shelby American. This is something your "replica" (according to the Registry) or "fakeydoo" (technically) can and will never be. Sorry but that right there is the facts.

And buddyg , no I'm not going to just "agree to disagree" which would impute some legitimacy or correctness to your position. You are entitled to your own nonsensical opinion I'll grant you that but neither you or the others are entitled to the change the facts.

Remember, a "replica" technically is a copy of the original work created by the original artist or under his supervision so while it can be a copy of the original item it can still be a genuine Picasso, Peter Maxx etc.. or even a Shelby.

The important issue here is not replica or non replica. The important part here is that if it carries a CSX number it is legally and factually a genuine Cobra and its a Cobra according to SAAC. If you don't have a CSX, COB, COX or AC or KMP vin it ain't a Cobra.

Also, there is no doubt the original series Cobras are treasures and very valuable. They stopped producing those series years ago. There are only a finite number on the planet which make them very desirable.

I agree that as long as SAI is producing Continuation Cobras they will not appreciate in value substantially but do seem to hold their value well. They do carry a premium to own over a non Cobra but then as desirability increases so does price. An undeniable fact. . If the day should come where production of them ceases it is likely their values will rise substantially.
Yours, likely not.

Those of you who are not "stupid" as opposed to ignorant (no excuse to plead ignorance after you read the above) will understand. Those of you who keep harping the same dribble, ...well, only two explanations there, stupidity or envy. Which is it?

Cheers. Time to go drive the GT.
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