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Hey gents. Well this has been a ghost-in-the machine investigation. Here's the bottom line: The alternator went bad and constantly attempted to push out 100 amps anytime above idle. Additionally, the shielding on the positive terminal of the alternator caused a short to the case of the alternator. The combination of the shot alternator pushing 100 amps, and the short against the case caused sporadic voltage output to the computer. When the computer had finally had enough of this voltage it shut down and disallowed power to pass through it to the starter motor at engine start.
Solution: We flashed the computer back to original and the engine fired right up. We also cut the metallic shielding back on the alternator away from the case to eliminate the short. The only action item we have now is to replace the alternator.
Hat tip to Paul Kennedy in Des Moines, Ia for sleuthing this one!