I think I beat you to it! I posted this yesterday #178, is this where you were going?
I'm titling this as, "The Last Word."
Look I'm just as caught up in this as any. But the Shelby I know? He was a racer, a racer who wanted to win and win at the big show. He built street cars to fund his racing, even in the early sixties.
So first off if you don't own a race car built for winning? Your a poser! Yes in this sense of the word even a sixties street version, is "A Replica."
I was drawn to these cars because of his winning. Not some street version mimic. That's the history and facts I like. I could give a whole lot less attention of how and when the CSX4000 or the CSX7000 were made and how many, blah blah blah blah........... I'd like to feel connected I bought what I could afford. Don't we all love Shelby's history?
I Like Racing!
Originally Posted by OnyxRider
OK you guys still at it I see.
Well when i have a few moments maybe you experts can help me coin a new term.
Original Replica or Real Original Replica....I'll explain it in a new thread.