Originally Posted by Al G
Now that's a false response that gets to the crux of this entire discussion. Your ERA is not a Cobra. It is a Cobra replica. Does ERA even call it a Cobra?
I don't care what ERA calls it. ERA has to bow's to the judicial boots just like all the manufacturers. ERA supplied me with a very good platform to
build my Cobra.
In my world it is a Cobra - a lot of them hand built by people who care about the history and charm of the story. When I see one going down the road I say "look Sweet Heart a Cobra". When she sees one she says "look a Cobra" and she doesn't know squat about Cobras, but she knows what one looks like. Do I think for a second it is a real one?- do I think for a second it is not a real one? - no - because I don't care. I certainly do wonder what make it is and if the opportunity presents itself, I am going to wander over to look at it. With any luck it is a hand built, high performance roadster, constructed in the spirit and form of the originals (some more than others) and that is what I look for and I enjoy seeing what others build.
Legal bickering means nothing to me with respect to Cobras. Shelby blew the deal when he lost the rights to Ford and all the lawyer's in the world can never repair that. The Genie was out of the bottle and the path of the Cobra was for ever altered. Shelby - Ford - and the courts worked out their differences, but for the layman on the street they will always be Cobras - Ignorance is bliss - so be it. I can think of a thousand things where daily ignorance is inexcusable - a Cobra is not one of them - YMMV.
Is my 2003 SVT Mustang a Cobra?
The MGB thing is a stretch