Originally Posted by DanEC
Yes, both burn bright. Damn flasher unit must be Packard old stock or something. I went to three auto parts stores and none of them could match it up. Found one listing on EBAY. Google won't search for BUSS 180 - keeps changing it to Bus 180. Guess I'll have John at ERA send me one tomorrow. No driving this weekend.
Test the relay(s) by disconnecting the three wires on the car side of the relay, hook up the two wires on the trailer side of the relay normally, then use a jumper wire to feed a clean 12v to each of the three leads to the relay. One should light one light, one should light the other light, and one should light both lights. If you get that far then you can combine the feeds to test it as if you have your foot on the brakes while signally a turn.