Not Ranked
Oh, no,no,no. OP carefully and calculatingly limited participation to only imposters/fakeydos and correctly noting as such your fakeydo is not "real", a Shelby, original or "correct". I and other continuation Cobra and original Cobra owners were expressly not invited. This was made VERY clear at the outset nor do we intend to participate in such a blatantly discriminatory and exclusionary thread! Don't try to explain or back peddle now. We're out.
It's OK though, we completely understand, as our participation with our cars would completely ruin the purity and continuity of "fakeyness" you guys have going here. I have to say though, I thought you guys would have preferred the SAAC definition and categorization of your cars better than the non authoritative and informal " fakeydo " description but hey whatever floats your boat.
Carry on.
: )
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.