Well, I spoke too quickly, it seems.
It ran great the night I got it back on the road, now it is up to its old tricks, will run 2 blocks and then shut itself off and not restart until it has set for 2 hours or more. I called the guys at the Accel group today and was told to measure the resistance between the + and - posts on the coil, came up with 4.3 ohms at lunch and now 8.7 ohms after work. The guy at the Accel group tech line says the coil is toast, that it should have no more than 1 ohm resistance.
Anyone have anything to say about this new issue? Everything else is new except for the distributor housing...if the verbal history is accurate the build was 20 years ago. If so, and if the ignition has been in the car for that full time, it might be time for a new coil.
This sure has been a frustrating ten days.....every time it starts running well it stops after one decent ride....BLAAAHHHHH!!!!