This is for guys that don't have a heater, cup holders, or surround sound.

Just kidding! I had to change my water pump last week and I had one of those HELP plugs on the bottom water pump heater hose fitting because I don't have a heater. It had cracks in it just after a few years. I had read of guys pulling the fitting and taping it for a pipe plug. This one was glued in there about 2+ inches, so I came up with this method.
I slightly cut the inside edge of the hose stop with a carbide bur so I could get my calipers inside the tube to measure the hole. I found it was .510. I then went to a machine shop and got a few of the widest
oil passage plugs they had. The largest was .530. I sanded the inside of the tube and the outside of the plug. I spread some JB weld inside the tube and drove the plug in just past the hose stop seam, and then wiped some more JB weld in the seam to lock the plug in. I've run it twice; no leaks at all. Seems to work.